Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Nice work Nebraska City!

This seems to be a very community-minded place , with decorated tree statues all over town. And the library is wonderful! They have embraced the program, and have had a lot of patrons showing support in their library display. The idea is that everyone is a "geek," or very passionate, about something. A public library is the place where all of those interests are supported. People share the ideas they geek, and show support for the public library. To make it even better, there are many organizations around town also showing their "geek" support! 

Public libraries are such important members of their communities, and provide so much help and value back to the community, but too often are not recognized for that value. It's so impressive to see a community like Nebraska City that shows support for the library!

I geek public libraries!!

1 comment:

  1. Thought of you this morning as I drove from Bozeman to Helena for a meeting at the MT State Library - lots of L&C sites along the way that I'm sure you'll be exploring!. And, a blog with no comments is just sad, so felt the need to comment. Hope the weather stays good!


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