At a laundromat, enjoying the free WiFi! I've discovered that I can set up the back of the Jeep to hold my computer, notebooks, pens, and me. I shut the door behind me, so it doesn't get ripped off by a passing car, leave the window open, and I'm all set to work for an hour or so! Less air conditioning than inside, but quieter and less crowded so it evens out nicely.
Today I'm enjoying a day off from data collection. I slept in, emerging to a very soggy dew-filled morning. The quiet is wonderful, and I'm getting a lot of sleep. Last night I sat in my camp chair, drinking my hot tea from my Jetboil, and watching about 20 hawks drift in circles as they rode the thermals in front of the setting sun. It was exactly the reason people enjoy camping and being outdoors - just great.
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