Friday, June 13, 2014


It's pretty satisfying to light a fire and cook a meal. I was startled recently to be with a group of people, none of whom knew how to light a fire. It seems like it should be a basic skill, and as we have been doing it about as long as humans have evolved, it's clearly not too hard.

Start with a small pile of stuff that will burn. When available, I like to use dry pine needles because they smell good. As an academic, I usually have a paper I'm editing and often crumple individual sheets to use. Put small sticks over that, in a pyramid shape. Get larger ones nearby, and have some bigger logs in waiting. 

Light the small stuff; blow gently as necessary to get it started. As the sticks catch, start laying the larger sticks onto that - trying to keep the pyramid shape. As they catch, arrange the larger logs in another layer, keeping the pyramid shape (tops together and pointed inward, bottoms spread out for support). The idea is that as everything burns, it collapses in on itself.

Do all of this in a designated fire ring, of course. Save the more advanced fire work until you get comfortable with it. Tie back long hair, don't wear extremely loose clothes, and have closed toe shoes - no dragging laces. Catching yourself on fire is easy, and really ruins the fun.

Once you have your fire going, roast hot dogs, burgers, steak, veggies - whatever you like. Campfires generally lead to roasted marshmallows and/or smores - for me anyway! 

Of course, be sure to have water nearby - more than you think you need. When you are done, soak the heck out of the fire. It takes some time to get started, but once it does start it does not want to quit. Drown it all before you leave a campsite. Puddles of water are fine. 

You will reek of smoke afterwards. Either be prepared to live with it, or spray Febreeze (or whatever brand you have) all over your clothes. A quick shower is nice. 

Experience the fun of a campfire while you are out enjoying your camping trip! Go outside! Have fun in your state and national parks! Don't worry about doing it all "right" - just go have a good time in nature.

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