Monday, July 14, 2014

Tent buddies!

When I take down the tent I usually find a little friend who has been spending time with me. Today it was this quite large slug! He was pretty miffed at being asked to leave the tent, but disappeared quickly while I was putting things back into the Jeep. And today I put Seaman the Newfoundland Pup back into the Jeep (he sits in the box of Important Travel Stuff while I drive), and I swear he has some burrs in his fur! Apparently, being stuffed has not stopped him from being out having adventures of his own!

Camping really is great! It rained gently last night, while Seaman and I watched Supernatural and sewed on the quilt. It was very relaxing. All my noisy neighbors had departed, so it was just the two of us tucked away in the woods - excellent.

A big (BIG) raven has been flying around the campsites since everyone else departed. This morning, he decided I needed to get going, so sat in a tree overhead and started squawking until I got up at 7. I guess he was a helpful camping assistant!

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