Thursday, August 14, 2014

Northwestern North Dakota

A familiar sight here - lots of oil wells around. And there is a lot of temporary housing for the oil workers; nothing too great looking. It looks like the northern parts of Alaska, with their Alayska fields and extremely depressing looking drilling area. A lot of money is pouring into North Dakota with all this oil, which is always nice. But I'm hoping for the sake of the people living here that there is something left for them after the oil is gone. It's pretty disturbing to drive through this area, with apparently nothing but a constant stream of big trucks on the roads, and not much to see. (And I was startled to see a Halliburton building here, looking very busy with whatever they are doing; always strange to see places/things in real life that you only read about.)

Tough issues all around, for this area and for everyone depending on the oil they produce.

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